Sehubungan dengan transisi CCMS dan kejadian luar biasa COVID 19 maka bersama ini diberitahukan kepada Bapak/Ibu peserta ujian IIA (CIA, CRMA) ketentuan untuk reschedule dan penjadwalan ujian sebagai berikut:
- Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS) tidak tersedia mulai 8 Maret hingga CCMS baru diluncurkan yang dijadwalkan dalam minggu ini.
- Untuk saat ini Anda tidak dapat:
- Mengubah/Menjadwalkan/Menjadwalkan kembali/Membatalkan ujian yang sudah dipilih sebelumnya
- Mendaftarkan ujian baru
- Membuat profil kandidat atau memperbarui profil yang ada
- Memeriksa status hasil ujian
- Untuk saat ini, Anda hanya dapat:
- Mengikuti ujian yang sudah terkonfirmasi jadwalnya
- Jika ada hal-hal terkait di atas yang memerlukan perhatian segera agar peserta ujian menghubungi langsung
- Silakan lihat bagan berikut untuk instruksi mengenai keadaan khusus untuk peserta ujian sertifikasi yang akan melakukan reschedule atau extend:
CCMS User Scenarios
For the most up-to-date information about test center information please visit PearsonVUE’s COVID-19 update page ( | |
The test center has closed and you have received a cancelation notice from PearsonVUE | 1. Before CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at 2. After CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at or you may reschedule within your CCMS profile (Reschedule fees are waived until 30 April 2020) |
Your test center is open, but you would like to reschedule existing appointment due to COVID-19 concerns | 1. Before CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at 2. After CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at or you may reschedule within your CCMS profile (Reschedule fees are waived until 30 April 2020) |
You are unable to reschedule your examination before the appointment date due to high call center volume | 1. Before CCMS Launch: Please wait until the new CCMS launch. 2. After CCMS Launch: Open a new case within your CCMS profile. (Reschedule fees are waived until 30 April 2020) |
You would like to reschedule your existing appointment for other personal reasons | 1. Before CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at 2. After CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at or you may reschedule within your CCMS profile. (Reschedule fees is 75 USD) |
You need to extend your exam authorization or program window as it expires and you are unable sit for you examination due to COVID-19 concerns | 1. Before CCMS Launch: Please wait until the new CCMS launch. 2. After CCMS Launch: Open a new case within your CCMS profile. |
You have applied, but have not been approved into the program | 1. Before CCMS Launch: Please wait until the CCMS launch to upload your supporting documents. 2. After CCMS Launch: Please access your CCMS account and upload your supporting documents. If your application is expired, please open a new case in the CCMS. |
You have applied and approved into a program | 1. Before CCMS Launch: Please wait until the new CCMS launch. 2. After CCMS Launch: Register for an examination within your CCMS profile |
You have registered but not yet scheduled an examination. | 1. Before CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at 2. After CCMS Launch: contact PearsonVUE directly at or you may schedule within your CCMS profile. |
Other special circumstance | 1. Before CCMS Launch: please contact our Customer Relations department at [email protected] 2. After CCMS Launch: Please access your CCMS account and open a new case. |
Jika ada hal yang ingin ditanyakan lebih lanjut, Bapak/Ibu dapat menghubungi IIA Indonesia di 021-83782174 atau email: [email protected]