IA Magazine – Apr 2020

Internal Auditor’s April 2020 Issue 


 26 | COVER The Responsible Organization – As investors focus on ESG reporting, there is opportunity for internal auditors to get involved and provide assurance. BY NEIL HODGE

 32 | An RPA Road Test Internal auditors at a freight transportation company take robotic process automation for a test drive. BY RICK WRIGHT

 39 | Audit With Acumen – Internal audit can incorporate elements of the Balanced Scorecard approach to build its ability to anticipate and meet the organization’s needs. BY BASIL ORSINI

 44 | The Value in the Business Ecosystem – Internal audits must delve into risks posed by the organization’s ever-expanding chain of third, fourth, and fifth parties. BY BRIAN KOSTEK

 50 | 10 Questions on Culture – Several audit committee FAQs can help guide practitioners when assessing culture. BY PETER HUGHES, ROBERT CAMPBELL, AND JOHN LERIAS

 54 | Auditing Knowledge Management – Knowledge assets’ increased value and contribution to business objectives obliges internal auditors to focus on how they’re safeguarded. BY ISRAEL SADU

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