Internal Auditor Magazine – Edisi April 2016

 f e a t u r e s

 26 | COVER A Matter of Trust – Attention to detail and focused effort can help internal auditors build the relationships required to be perceived as valued advisers. By Arthur Piper

 33 | Proactive Fraud Analysis – Integrating advanced forensic data analytics capabilities can help auditors mitigate fraud risks and demonstrate returns. By Aditya Misra and Vincent Walden

 38 | Getting More From Interviews Instead of emphasizing formalities, internal auditors should approach each interview like a conversation. By J. Michael Jacka

45 | On the Hunt for Payroll Fraud Taking a close look at payroll risks can enable internal auditors to help their organizations save money and identify wrongdoing. By Christopher Kelly and Frans Deklepper

52 | Guardians of Integrity Internal audit can provide insight into corporate integrity and people-related risks. By Michael Brozzetti

 57 | 5 Steps to Agile Project Success  The dynamic, fastpaced nature of Agile software development requires auditors to think differently about internal controls. By David Tilk

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