IIA Global Certifications and Qualifications: Mapping Your Path for Growth

Your Voice Matters – CIA® Job Analysis Survey Now Available!

We highly value the insight internal auditors can provide as IIA Global ensures the CIA exams remain current and relevant to the global practices of internal auditing. Complete one, two, or all three exam part surveys today!

Part One – Essentials of Internal Auditing
Part Two – Practice of Internal Auditing
Part Three – Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing

Survey closes April 19th.

Certification PathwayProfessional development is a journey. Demonstrating your knowledge, acumen, and leadership ability are key elements to arriving at your destination. Earning a professional internal audit credential is a critical step toward demonstrating your knowledge of and strong commitment to the practice of internal auditing.

Wherever your journey takes you, there’s a credential along the development pathway to strengthen your knowledge base, deepen your competencies, and distinguish you among your peers.

IIA Certifications and Qualifications help you drive your career forward by:

  • Enhancing your skills and knowledge.
  • Helping you gain credibility and respect in the field.
  • Increasing your earning potential.
  • Demonstrating your understanding of and commitment to the practice of internal auditing.

Learn more about how to develop your career path

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