Internal Auditor Magazine – Edisi Oktober 2019

Internal Auditor’s October 2019 Issue 


 22 | COVER Emerging Leaders 2019 This year’s honorees are driving change in their audit functions and setting an example for the profession. BY RUSSELL A. JACKSON

 35 | The Auditor’s Mindset  Critical  information may be missed in audit interviews when cognitive biases affect professional skepticism. BY CHIH-CHEN LEE, MARK RILEY, AND REBECCA TOPPE SHORTRIDGE

 40 | The Risks in Supply Chains A supply chain is only as strong as the business with the weakest controls. BY ARTHUR PIPER

 46 | 6 Myths of Business Ethics Internal auditors should examine several “tacit truths” that often hinder organizational ethics. BY MATEJ DRAŠ EK

 50 | Social Media Governance Internal audit can make an impact by looking at how the board, executives, and three lines of defense address social initiatives. BY J. MICHAEL JACKA AND PETER R. SCOTT

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