06-22 June 2022 @09.30-16.00
Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) adalah satu-satunya sertifikasi yang diakui global untuk auditor internal dan tetap menjadi standar untuk menunjukkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme dibidang audit internal.
Para IA akan mendapatkan tambahan pengetahuan, information update, dan business tools yang dapat diterapkan segera dalam organisasi atau lingkungan bisnis. IIA Indonesia CIA Review Course menggunakan materi the IIA’s New CIA Learning System yang telah dikembangkan untuk mempelajari 3-Part CIA exam syllabus, dalam format blended learning dengan workbooks dan web-based learning software.
Instruktur yang berpengalaman akan mendampingi peserta mempelajari seluruh CIA exam syllabus dalam pola pengajaran terstruktur dan interaktif.
13-14 June 2022 @09.30-15.00
- Why Remote Auditing
- Risk Based Audit Remote Auditing
- Attribute Standard
- Annual Plan Preparation
- Interview in Internal Audit
- Remote Auditing & Remote Interview
13-16 June 2022 @09.30-15.00
- The International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)
- Understanding the Control Environment
- Audit Governance
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Audit Planning & Opening Conference
- Audit Risk Assessment, Internal Controls, and Walk-through
- Audit Program Development
- Audit Fieldwork & Testing
- Audit Findings & Recommendations
- Audit Reporting & Exit Conference
- Audit Wrap-Up & Workpaper Review
- Audit Findings: Follow-Up, Validation, and Resolution
- Quality Assurance & Improvement Program (QAIP)
15-16 June 2022 @09.30-15.00
- Relevant Standard
- Governance; Risk Management; Control
- Risk Management Framework
- Risk Based Annual Plan
- Risk Based in Engagement Planning Risk
- Based in Performing the Engagement Risk
- Based in Communication Result
20-21 June 2022 @09.30-15.00
- Overview
- Strategy and Objective Setting
- Performance – Identifying & Assessing Risks
- Performance – Risk Responses
- Information, Communication & Reporting
- Governance and Culture
- Review and Revision
22-23 June 2022 @09.30-15.00
Root Cause Analysis Overview :
- Understanding RCA; RCA in Internal Audit & Standards and Best Practices; Required Skill; Cost & Benefit
Root Cause Analysis Planning:
- Selection Method; Failure Analysis; SIPOC
Root Cause Analysis Fieldwork :
- Methodology & Technique; The RCA Process
Root Cause Analysis Reporting:
- Communicating; Audit Finding Attributes
27-28 June 2022 @09.30-15.00
- Defining Agile Auditing
- Understanding Agile Software Development
- Scrum Process Framework
- Agile Auditing Iterations
- Deciding to Go Agile
- Implementing Agile Auditing Using Scrum
- Practice: Mock Agile Audit
29-30 June 2022 @09.30-15.00
- Data Analysis Introduction
- Population Analysis: Frequency Distribution and Case Study
- Population Analysis: Size of Central Tendency and Case Study
- Population Analysis: Comparison with Benchmarks and Case Study
- Population Analysis: Correlations Analysis and Time Series and Case Study
- Random Sampling Techniques
- Non-Random Sampling Technique include indications
- Fraud Red Flag Analysis.