Internal Auditor Magazine – Edisi December 2015

 f e a t u r e s

 30 COVER On the Rise Meet Internal Auditor’s 2015 Emerging Leaders — they’re bright, ambitious, and eager to advance the profession. Russel Jackson

 41 The Versatile Auditor

Diverse backgrounds can provide different perspectives, help bridge the skills gap, and strengthen the audit team. Thomas C. Sanglier

 46 Governing Government Risk

Public sector agencies are trying to gain their balance as they navigate enterprise risk management. Janes Seago

52 The Trusted Adviser

Internal audit can change stakeholders’ perceptions by being more reliable and credible, and strengthening relationships. David Linnard & Mike Kinney

 56 Auditing for Confl icts of Interest

Organizations should assess whether their mechanism for identifying confl icts is working as designed. Laura Soileau & Jared Soileau

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