Changes to CIA Program

In 2013, IIA Global will implement some significant changes to the CIA program.

These changes are:

 New three-part structure
 Elimination of Part 4 credit
 Realignment of content
 Reduced number of questions

At this stage, we expect these changes to take effect after 1 July 2013, but this date has not yet been confirmed by IIA Global. Initially, English language exams will be available under the new CIA program, followed by other language exams on a phased approach. It is likely that Indonesian language exams will be available in early 2014.


Meanwhile, we encourage all candidates to continue their certification process under the existing CIA program, noting that transition rules will apply for candidates who start under the existing CIA program and finish under the new CIA program.

In summary, Part I and Part 2 under the existing CIA program will be fully recognised under the new CIA program.

However, Part 3 under the existing CIA program will not be recognised under the new CIA program.

If you have Part
3 (without Part 4), you will have 6 months from the above effective date to complete one of the following items:

 Pass Part 4 from existing CIA program
 Apply for and receive Part 4 credit from existing CIA program
 Apply for and receive Professional Experience Recognition (PER)

If you don’t complete one of these items within the required timeframe, you will have to complete Part 3 from the new CIA program.

If you have Part 4 (without Part 3), you will have to complete Part 3 from the new CIA program.

For additional information, please refer to the attached document – “Understanding Changes to the CIA Program for 2013”.

Detail information can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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