Board of Governors

Board of Governors together constitutes the governing body of the Institute. Member of the board is elected at the General Membership Meeting for a period of 3 years, with the exception of an appointment of interim governor.

All member of the Board of Governors, including President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are volunteers and do not receive any remuneration.

Responsibilities of the Board of Governors shall include the following:

  • Should familiarize themselves with the IIA ID Bylaws and recent board minutes, including committee reports;
  • Should attend every board meeting to recommend actions that are considered to be in the best interest of the IIA ID. Board member who is unable to attend a meeting should inform the president of their views and suggestions on the material received or on material they wish to have presented;
  • Should discuss issues with IIA ID membership whenever possible and make the views of constituents known to the board;
  • Be responsible for the overall administration, the soundness of IIA D and ensuring the Institute follows its Bylaws;
  • Has ultimate fiduciary duty for protecting the IIA ID’s assets and ensuring good internal controls are in place.


For the period 2021 – 2024,
the composition of the Board of Governors is as follows.

Angela Indirawati Simatupang, SE, MCom, IIAP, CIA, CRMA
Ir. Joni Pathibang, MBA, IIAP
Samudera Sinergi Digital
Rama Kurnia, SE, M.Ak, IIAP, CIA
Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities Republic of Indonesia
Suryaningrum, SE, IIAP
Astra Otoparts Tbk
Dewi Andriati, SE, M.Ak, IIAP, CIA, CRMA
Chair of Research & Technical Advisory Committee
Moladin Digital Indonesia
Subagio Tjahjono, SE, MM, IIAP, CIA
Chair of Membership & Certification Committee
Solusi Bangun Indonesia
I Made Suandi Putra, MSc, IIAP, CIA, CRMA
Chair of Young Leadership Committee
Indonesia Financial Group
Abdiansyah Prahasto, SE, MM, IIAP, CIA
Chair of Advocacy Committee
Deloitte Konsultan Indonesia
Indra Soeharto, SE, MSc, IIAP, CIA
Chair of Education & Professional Development Committee
Pertamina (Persero)
Muhammad Panjiwinata, MSi, IIAP
Chair of Organizational Development Committee
National Government Internal Auditor
Dyan Garneta Paramita Sari, STP, MSc, IIAP, CIA, CRMA
Ministry of Industry
GMB Daniel Probo, SE, IIAP, CIA
RSM Indonesia Konsultan
Ir. Mochamad Alwi, ST, IIAP, CIA
Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia
Lis Suryani , IIAP
Prudential Life Assurance Indonesia
Sulistyo Biantoro, CIA
Andy Wijaya
PT Berdikari
Nur Imroatun Sholihat, CIA
Itjen Kementerian Keuangan

Board Committees

Each committee has the responsibility to recognize the following in its planning and actions:

  • The institute’s primary function is to serve its members in fulfilling their professional responsibilities and to serve the profession of internal auditing;
  • The committee chairperson has the responsibility to attend Board of Governors meetings as required and present written reports on the committee’s activities. If they cannot attend, written reports should be furnished to the Secretary in advance of the meeting;
  • There is a responsibility for measuring the committee’s progress toward the established objectives.
  • Bring to the attention of the Board of Governors those problems and opportunities that do not fall within the committee’s functional area;
  • Keep other committees informed of the committee’s activities and plans.


Research & Technical Advisory Committee
  • Oversee the development of the profession and the trend through the support of research relating to governance, risk and control.
  • Ensures that articles which are relevant to the profession are collated and broadcasted to the members through website, newsletters or other publications.
  • Identify critical and emerging issues that could impact internal audit activities and provide relevant and appropriate guidelines to IIA ID members through newsletters or other platforms such as webinars or roundtable discussions.
  • Participate in technical engagement with government, regulators and other stakeholders on relevant issues that may impact the internal audit profession.
  • Oversee the quality process of IIA ID to ensure that all articles submitted for publication are reviewed for alignment with the International Professional Practices Framework and Global IIA foundational models, quality in terms of contents and usefulness for the target readership group(s).
  • Ensure availability of Standards & key guidance translation.
  • Work closely with other committees in the IIA ID to promote and enhance the professional development of internal audit professionals.
Advocacy Committee
  • Provide guidance in promoting the internal audit profession, elevating the value of internal auditing and to educate and influence key stakeholders.
  • Advise on building relationships with organisations and stakeholders that impact the profession.
  • Influence stakeholders to adopt IIA Global Professional Practices Framework standards.
  • Promote the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certification as the main professional qualification for internal auditors, and specialty certification programmes promoted by the IIA Indonesia as the recognised certifications for practitioners.
Education & Professional Development Committee Provide guidance on the formulation strategies to develop the Institute into a premier learning hub for Governance, Risk Management and Control (GRC), to:

  • Provide core training for Internal audit professionals. Ensure alignment with Global Competency Framework.
  • Be the industry training grounds for thought leaders/members in GRC and related domains.
  • Be a centre for knowledge sharing/exchange of ideas and expertise.
  • Promote and enhance the development of high-performing internal audit professionals, indispensable to their organisations. This includes the review the annual training programme.
  • Forge relationships among students, academics, practitioners, administrators, and others to promote the role of internal auditing.
  • Oversees the overall professional development plans of the IIA Indonesia such as the training programmes, workshops and conferences that are planned for each year.
  • Oversee the quality process of the Institute to ensure that all presenters delivering on behalf of IIA Indonesia have the adequate capacity and competency, the quality of the content, as well as the performance monitoring of it.
Membership & Certification Committee
  • Provide direction and guidance on activities or programmes that promote membership growth as well as member retention.
  • Continuous engagement of members (membership engagement).
  • Volunteers’ management and retention.
  • Provide overall guidance on continuous improvement of services or resources to members.
  • Provide guidance on membership policies and related matters and services to members.
  • Generating awareness of and growing the IIA Global Certification Programs and IIA Indonesia certification program within IIA ID throughout the Certification Program lifecycle for both members and non-members of The IIA.
  • Provide overall guidance on continuous improvement of services or resources to CIA candidates, including CIA certification preparation courses and trainers in coordination with Education & Professional Development Committee.
  • Provide guidance on certification policies and related matters and services to members.
Organizational Development Committee
  • Identify improvement to organizational aspects of the institution (operational management, policies, procedures)
  • Review the maturity level of the IIA ID, and develop strategies and programmes to elevate the operation’s maturity of IIA ID.
  • Develop and implement measures to ensure good governance practices and ethics are embedded in the operations and the conduct of officers, staffs, governors.
Young Leadership Committee
  • Develop strategies and implement programmes to engage young IIA Indonesia members and promote integration of young IIA Indonesia members with other members of IIA ID.
  • Actively promote and encourage membership with IIA ID.
  • Drive awareness and raise the profile of the internal audit profession among the young professionals in Indonesia.
  • Build an extensive network of young professionals with common interests (e.g., in internal audit and GRC related topics).

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